According to the ancient records of Atlans, it was discovered that during the invasion of Kundun, there was a space known as the "Abyss" which was created in order to trap Hydra. The Kantur People, whom built Atlans, wanted to trap the invading enemies in the dark abyss. They would use their elite warriors as bait in an attempt to trap Hydra, however they would fail. From hereinafter, Hydra took control of Atlans and the entrance to the abyss was sealed away. However, the abyss' location has been revealed through recent studies at the Church of Devias, and now brave travelers can enter this dangerous place.
- Requires character level 1,000 to warp.
- Floor 2 requires level 1,020.
- Floor 3 requires level 1,030.
- Recommended for characters level 1,010 ~ 1,200.
- Monsters deal Elemental DMG, so you'll need a Pentagram!
- Monsters have +Resistance Option, so they are tougher to kill!
- Critical DMG Resist Chance 1%
- Excellent DMG Resist Chance 1%
- Debuff Resist Chance 7%
- There are Elite Zones in this map which spawn monsters with +Debuff Option, so you'll need a Guardian!
- Valued monster drops:
- Bless / Soul / Life / Creation
- Excellent items
- Excellent Blue Eye armor
- Socket Necklace
- Valued elite monster drops:
- ?
Hunting in an area with more monster spots can increase your character's monster kills per sec! Check the map below to know the best hunting spots! You can click each spot to check which monsters spawn at it.
Monster level 410
- Health: 1,515,000
- ATK DMG: 7,150 ~ 7,450
- ELE DMG: 2,600 ~ 2,700
- DEF: 5,000
- ELE DEF: 1,690
- DEF Rate: 2,200
*DMG penalty removed after character level 1010.
Monster level 410
- Health: 1,520,000
- ATK DMG: 7,350 ~ 7,650
- ELE DMG: 2,660 ~ 2,800
- DEF: 5,200
- ELE DEF: 1,690
- DEF Rate: 2,300
*DMG penalty removed after character level 1010.
Monster level 435
- Health: 1,815,000
- ATK DMG: 7,300 ~ 8,100
- ELE DMG: 2,700 ~ 2,800
- DEF: 5,450
- ELE DEF: 1,695
- DEF Rate: 2,500
*DMG penalty removed after character level 1035.
Monster level 435
- Health: 1,675,000
- ATK DMG: 7,600 ~ 7,900
- ELE DMG: 2,730 ~ 2,880
- DEF: 5,650
- ELE DEF: 1,695
- DEF Rate: 2,598
*DMG penalty removed after character level 1035.
Monster level 460
- Health: 2,015,000
- ATK DMG: 7,500 ~ 8,200
- ELE DMG: 3,300 ~ 3,400
- DEF: 5,750
- ELE DEF: 1,700
- DEF Rate: 2,700
*DMG penalty removed after character level 1060.
Monster level 460
- Health: 1,830,000
- ATK DMG: 7,800 ~ 8,100
- ELE DMG: 2,850 ~ 3,000
- DEF: 6,150
- ELE DEF: 1,700
- DEF Rate: 2,800
*DMG penalty removed after character level 1060.
© This map can only be entered via warp.
- Disconnecting and changing servers will move your character to the map's safe-zone.
- Elite Zones are marked by large red flags at the entrance of the elite monster area.
- Elite monsters will not wander outside of the Elite Zone area.
Owned by Izak Thompson
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